Though there are times in our lives when we think we have it all figured out, when everything in a particular situation seems to fall into place--we feel at home, loved, wanted, and content--this is not always a sign that eternity lies therein. Or rather, these sentiments and emotions, though good and at times even very strong do not necessarily lead us to our ultimate destiny. These sentiments are purely the realm of the heart, and thus are easily led by feelings of joy and utter contentment, but destiny is the realm of the mind and the heart, such that both are in accord with what they desire for the future. As is said in theology, and likely in other authoritative places, we must be ruled by neither mind alone nor heart alone, but rather by God working through the union of the two. When one is driven and the other abandoned, it can lead to feelings of being lost, floating somewhere with an uncertain purpose, or on the other hand going a hundred miles an hour in an unknown direction. We humans have difficulty reconciling the two, and this is yet another place where we need to let God in. This can explain then why we cannot sit and say, "God show me where to go, I'm not going to do anything, but you should really show me my path." But neither can we find happiness by saying, "God you may have your plan and opportunities that you want to present to me for my life, but I don't need them--all I need is me." Neither is fulfilling, and neither is the right path.
The frustrating part is that there is no clear-cut path for how to manage ourselves in this fallen world. And this is why we are sometimes led to the described "beautiful things" in life, which may or may not fit with what we understood before. I believe these things are to be enjoyed, for they often bring to our hearts the joy that we have been seeking in our lives, but we must also let the mind in and seek to understand how this "beautiful thing" fits in with the rest of our lives. With our goals and dreams, and previously established realities. For if we define the "good" as that which gives us the most freedom, that which allows us to truly love and be truly loved, then we must let both in. We must listen to our hearts and our minds.
Our heart may tell us that something this beautiful may never come again, but the mind counters by saying it is better to leave it. It is better for everyone concerned as it stands right now, and besides only God can know what is to come down the road. Maybe someday the beautiful thing may become the good thing. But all in good time, and with both heart and mind firmly placed in God. Here I am Lord...I trust in You.
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