23 September 2006

Every Day is a Battle...and a Blessing

It seems like every morning I get up, I immediately think about what I am going to do for the day, and then nothing ends up as I plan it. Yet at the most important part of the day, I am thinking about everything I will do, the tasks I will accomplish, and social events and fun I will plan. Still, life is a fluid journey, events may end up as I plan them, or they may completely fail, but then if they do not go as I plan are they really failures? Some environments have awoken me to this reality more readily than others, but none more than life here in NYC!

I cite the example that as of Monday of this week, I had no idea what I was going to do outside of Theology on Tap Monday night, classes Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and volunteering at the friary and volleyball Wednesday. Monday, I got up, went to mass at noon, then felt compelled to attend confession that night at 5:30. So I went to my classes that lasted until 4 then went to the church. I happened to recognize the voice of my confessor as a priest with whom I had thought to seek spiritual direction, and so he encouraged me to call later to work something out. Unexpected. I went to Theology on Tap that same night, happened to say hello to a girl for whom it was also the first time. After an incredible discussion led by Father Joseph Koterski on the doctrine of papal infallibility, Molly showed me the Archdiocese of New York office where she worked and encouraged me to get in touch with a friend of hers who works there in order to pursue a job translating into Spanish. Unexpected yet again. After that too, I dropped off a book to my friend Rachel and had a very interesting and life-giving conversation that I don't think either one of us had the energy for, but someone did. Wednesday I went to cook at the Capuchin friary, and got to prepare the pork on my own, I know I'm a freak, but it was a great surprise to be able to have free range over all the cooking equipment and food they have there. Then came those who helped me, or shall I say I helped them cook, and they helped me spiritually. Two women very much involved in their faith, Demaris and Cristina, who after we finished cooking invited me to a holy hour in which I got to attend confession and met a wonderful man by the name of Brother Juniper who inspired me to pray. I had only hoped to cook...but I received so much more. Volleyball too, that day went really well, because someone helped me calm down and realize that it is all for fun. I was so uptight that morning.

Friday...God is so good, I couldn't have expected this in a million years, but my friend Mike recently got promoted to Grand Knight of his council of Columbus at Marquette and so came along with Brett to New Haven CT for this weekend. Last night I went up by train and got to hang out with two of my closest friends at a time when I'm getting sick, maybe a little home and a little literally, to give me the strength to carry on.

God knows exactly what we need, and He gives it to us in abundance, it is just often that we fail to look for it, and thus our days become dull and pointless. Should we begin our days by offering our thanksgiving to Him, and then realizing the gifts he showers upon us throughout the day we should live more full and satisfying lives. Even in the battles, we can see Him shining through to forgive us as the father forgave the prodigal son. We are all His prodigal sons, let us remember to go home.


Fr.Dennis said...

You are missed around here, Tim. On occaision, a piece of junk mail will arrive for you and I'll say, "Tim Malone, I miss that kid..." and everyone agrees.

But, it sounds like God is taking care of you out east. You sound like the usual, well adjusted self that overextends himself. Keep us in your prayers here...especially the guys in the discernment group.

Anonymous said...

You really can find God in the most unlikely of places...it's quite a pleasant surprise when it happens and if you keep thinking about life that way, you worry less and your quality of life just soars...keep that mentality and I hope all is well with you!
