29 March 2006


At times I feel so fatigued, so downtrodden, so hopeless, and I think I try to blame it on lack of sleep...yet the reality is that when there is passion in my life I can run on and on and on, and I do not really need all that much sleep. I am one who likes to stay up late and get up early, seemingly an oxymoron, but you get the taste of the unbroken, barely touched, sunrise-blessed morning, and often find yourself completely alone to enjoy it, and the late night balances this out as you sit together around a bonfire and talk while smoking a fine cigar...Life is so good, there is so much to enjoy, why waste any time? Well I have finally realized the true profundity of that question. It irritates me that I cannot find passion where I am now, but I truly believe that the change of a simple location could do everything for my outlook on life and the future time I will spend here on this earth. I swear I tell everyone I talk to something different about what I hope to do someday, but as it stands right now I can most honestly say that I am not certain, but I have determined the next step and will run from there to wherever life goes. Sleep? I find that I get too much here at times, too little in others, but the fact that I focus on it tells me something...so start spreadin' the news...


Tim Malone said...

I struggle with those feelings, but I honestly have no qualms whatsoever with Iowa nor Iowa State. It was here that I rediscovered my faith and realized my potential as a person. No these things I will not soon forget, however I do know that I need a change of scenery and hope that this change will bring other positives along with it. I will never forget you or anyone else from here, how could I? You have shown an incredible amount of kindness and patience toward me, your holiness and generosity have struck me in a very powerful way. So on the same note, continue sharing these your gifts with those around you and though life will still bring challenges, you will have others near to help you through.

sirhair said...

lol (re: start spreading the news....)