18 November 2006


Unfortunately we always have something to learn. People will always know more than we do. I hope this follows naturally, yet if you disagree with me I would like to hear your point of view. We may be Albert Einstein in one aspect of our lives, yet in another we are as meek and foolish as a young child. Even Einstein himself was said to struggle with basic tasks in his life. It is by way of our education, which may take any number of forms. I can honestly say that many of the most important things I have learned in life I learned outside of school. So, how can we drop the level down to relativism in education? The idea that everyone is right, that children should be allowed to do math however they like, no matter where it leads them, sure their self-confidence may jump through the roof for a short time, but later when someone with half a mind tells the child now grown how wrong they are. There is a level of truth by which all academic disciplines can and must be viewed. Otherwise what is the point of education? And how do we proclaim this truth? Why must we beat around the bush telling someone how far they are off the mark? Why do we as people take things so personally? Pride? That we cannot admit that we might possibly fall short of the objective best way of doing whatever task?

I make no claim on these points, the only point I want to make is that there is an objective truth, because if there were not, the world could not function. If 2+2 is 4 for me and 5 for you, how in the world are we ever going to move beyond making change? As to the title of this essay, I have been told many times that I use too many words to express myself and should work toward concision. Surely I could throw this out, yet how will my writing improve. The difference between my writing quality and that of Cervantes is huge, and if I ever hope to bridge that gap I must approach a level of writing that stands high on a level of objective writing quality, an underlying truth that makes the written word most salient. I now make the bold claim that this objective truth underlies our whole reality. Relatioships, religion, the nature of God, if there is not a truth at the bottom of all these, what do we have? Nothing. Then it is to us to take all that we find in this world and find the intersections that lead us to the truth that will ultimately set us free. Should we ever encounter relativism in any context, I would hope that we would question it. Especially when it is affecting the most impresionable of our society. Relativism is not the answer to our problems (I include political correctness in this realm), we should call white white and black black, and from there confront the conflicts that arise with courage and strength that God will ultimately grant us. Let us pray for the strength, for the world needs us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education." -Albert Einstein
Fortunately, for us, that offical education crap isn't going to last too much longer. You know, I only read this to know that you still exist. Yep, you do. Thank God. Are you coming home for the holidays? I bet its gorgeous out there this time of year. And I miss you like the desert misses rain.
