06 May 2011

Obligation vs. Desire

My life began when I stopped doing what I thought I should do, and started doing what I wanted to. Life is too short to wander around seeking the approval or permission of others to do what you know you want in your heart. Granted, there is a level of discernment that is necessary in order to reach the point of being able to make a decision, however after we have determined that our hopes and dreams in no way infringe upon the rights of others, and that they truly do represent the desires of our hearts, then we must run to accomplish what it is we know in our hearts we must do. Only in this way can we find fulfillment, peace, hope, the strength to greet tomorrow. What do you want? A difficult question to be sure, but then again consider the times in life during which you have felt most alive, most rewarded, most at peace, most content. Contentedness breeds productivity, love, deeper relationships, hope, and the will to live and accomplish great things.

I thought for a while that a world trip would set me apart, would lend me some sort of notoriety or fame, and indeed, to a degree it has. However this is not what it is about for me. Life, for me, has never been about popularity, success, winning, or financial prosperity. Life, instead, is about relationships, is about taking what we have and sharing it with those that surround us, and deepening our understanding of life and the human experience. What do we think about? What are we meant to do? To what are each one of us called? How do we go about infusing meaning into this some time difficult undertaking that we call life?

I believe that it comes down to discerning those desires in ourselves, and following them to their end. And in fulfilling the desires that fill our hearts, we lend meaning and assurance to our lives. This is the way that I go about living. Today I seek to become the best possible version of myself by following the path written in my heart. Life is beautiful. Discover the particular beauty that lies in the very depths of your heart. And never forget to stand by what you want. Because unfortunately in a world dominated by individualism, no one else is going to freely give you your deepest desires. Live it, and make it your own!

If you're interested, there has been an article published in a Kent State University magazine called "The Burr" to which I contributed to author Kelley Stoklosa, some of my views and thoughts. Here is the link if you are interested in reading it, and I would love to hear your reactions as well.


All the best!